Friday, February 28, 2014

We're Approved!!

WHOOOO HOOOO! We got our approval from USCIS on Wednesday! This is awesome news because I've been developing an ulcer since Friday (not really) but I have been overly worried (a horrible habit that I have) because on Friday I received a phone call from a lovely lady named Brenda. She is an officer working for USCIS and unfortunately our agency forgot to sign some very, very important paperwork so she couldn't process our request to return to pick Reese up. Somehow I didn't bust into a million tears but I think she could hear the fear of being set back further in my voice. Let me tell you that the Lord had His hand all over this because this kind woman told me that if I could get a signed copy scanned and emailed to her then she would try to push my file through!! I immediately called my agency and had them do this. I was definitely thanking God for Brenda and asking God to bless her for her kindness to us. On Monday, I emailed Brenda and told her thanks again for everything and today we received our approval!! This is huge because had she not been so kind, we could be waiting for a couple more weeks. Thank you, Brenda!

So it came in the mail on Wednesday. My MeeMaw and sister were watching the mailbox like a hawk. As soon as it got there, Linds took a picture and emailed it to me. I was then able to forward it on to our agency who was going to send it to our in country representative. We now wait for her to get the official paper and take it to the judge to request a court date. Then, we get travel dates!!

Please pray specifically for our travel dates. I know I ask for prayer over and over and over and hope you see that these prayers are heard and answered. At times even to the specific day!! We are praying for travel by the end of March. My PTO at work maxes out then and I stop accruing.

Thanks for staying connected with us and following us through this journey!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Current Picture

I'm much worse at this blogging thing than I thought I would be... It's been WAAAYYY too long since I've posted. To be honest, I have a couple posts that I've written but just never felt 100% about posting them.

So let me update you all on what's been going on!!

First, let me tell you about our dessert auction/spaghetti supper we had at Bethel in January. No other word but “AMAZING” comes to mind. We teamed up with the Lytle’s who are adopting from the Congo and had a great night! You see, these crazy and hilarious people that attend Bethel ( J ) helped us raise $1942.00 with the Lytes!!! In ONE night! This is nuts! Once again, “thank you” just doesn’t seem enough. I just can’t wait for Reese to get home to meet her church family!!

Then, my sister threw me an awesome baby shower the weekend after! I think I have been through all the stuff at least a dozen times. We got the cutest stuff and now I’m itching to get her room done and clothes hung up. J The best part of this shower was seeing so many family and friends that I haven’t seen in a long time! I even had 2 friends drive 4 hours for it! That’s what it’s all about…. It humbles me so much thinking that these people love my little girl so much already that they are willing to sacrifice time and energy praying and encouraging us!

Things get even better!! We got a phone call on Friday, Jan 31st that our paperwork had arrived and was being mailed to us! It came last Monday (Feb 3rd) and at 9:10 pm I was dropping it back off with a couple other forms to FedEx this time sending it to USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services). So now we wait. We must receive clearance from the US which is taking at least 1 month to process. Once we get that, we scan it and email it to our agency who forwards it on to our in country represenative and wait on travel dates! Still a lot of waiting but this is a HUGE step.

I honestly don't think it is possible to explain how much I miss my little girl. I mean, I even think I'm crazy when I think about how much I love this little girl that I've only spent 3 days with... Please pray that this last stretch moves smoothly and quickly for us. And please pray for God to start preparing Reese for the huge transition ahead of her.

One of my favorite pics from the 1st trip (edited of course because of rules)!
I can't wait to get kisses all the time from her!!