Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Drum Roll Please....

It's here! The moment we've been waiting on since we first started this process ... for 1 year 6 months and 12 days to be exact! We are officially the proud parents of a beautiful and energetic little 2 year old girl. ... and better yet today is her 2nd birthday as well! What a great 2nd birthday! And now we get to share her with all of you to see! I will not take up your time with lots of words to read ... the pictures tell you why we are on cloud nine!







Court went great. It was so much easier than I expected. Our judge was nice. She did shorten the appeal period to 14 days (vs 21) and I'm grateful. We have to wait until then to apply for Reese's visa and there is a Polish holiday around this time so we won't fly home until the 20th. I'm already sad thinking about Will leaving and us being by ourselves for 2 weeks. It's been awesome just being the 3 of us. My sister and Hudson are coming over though and I'm pumped all in the same breath about that.

We bused to Warsaw today and are finally in the apartment I found us. I love it... it's super clean and they even left us welcome refreshments and maps. Will has our agenda planned. :)

I'm already overwhelmed and so thankful for all the prayers we had coming our way and all the comments on Facebook! We are so loved by all of you and we love you back even more! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Surviving the Social Worker Vist...Katowice and Krakow...

Tuesday was our visit with the social worker/psychologist... we survived despite my stress out on how to make coffee with a pot and water. I ended up going and buying instant thanks to another mom's advice who has done all this before. The orphanage director came as well and said she would request us going home 2 weeks after court... please pray this happens. As my mom has always said, I'm a total home body. I just don't feel the need to be anywhere more than a week.

We've been site seeing this past week as much as we can. We are staying on the outskirts of Katowice so we've been into Katowice a few times. It's really neat and different how city life carries on... something we'd probably think even if we were in New York. We bus everywhere...it's not that bad however the whole time I'm usually holding my breath because it's hot and there are no windows or A/C, praying Reese doesn't touch something and stick her fingers in her mouth, and kicking myself for not having hand sanitizer wipes for all of us. Ha! Other than that, it's cheap and is saving us money. :)

Today we went to Krakow. We chartered a bus there and it cost us only $10 round trip for all 3 of us. We are quite impressed with ourselves!! It was fun. There are long streets with stores, restaurants, and alcohol shops all up and down that lead to a big center. I had fun finding some cool stuff... hand made Easter eggs, an amber ring for Reese when she is older (let's hope it's not fake), and our Dads a souvenir.

Here a few pictures of Old Krakow...

 People were dressed up and you could take pictures if you tipped them. These were our favorites.

We are getting closer to court on Tuesday!! Then get ready for social media to explode with pictures of Reese!! :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

One Week and the In-Betweens

It’s been 1 week since Gotcha Day and it’s crazy what a week does! I keep saying that every day but from the 2 hour melt down the 1st night to our little girl crawling up on us to go sleep is amazing!! Everything is going better than we thought and we are so thankful. We even went back to the orphanage today to be transported to get her vaccinations.  My understanding is she needed these since she will be 2 when we arrive in the states. Plus, she was due for them. She didn’t seem to be phased by the orphanage but I almost went into Mama Mode when the lady took her out of Will’s arms when she cried over the shot. I know she was just trying to do what she thought was best and it was only because she loves her. I’m grateful for that as I have said before.

Poland is great and we are enjoying the beautiful weather. Everyone here has been so nice and we have even learned how to navigate the bus system (by getting lost once! Lol!). Our funniest question has by far been, “How’s Obama?” Haha! Needless to say, the guy voiced his opinion before we said anything and let’s just say we all agreed on that subject and didn’t even have to say anything… we even got free samples of food after that. Lol.  We have tried to stay active and enjoy the area we are in. We have tons of places to walk and do this for a couple hours a day if not more. There is even a great playground area for Reese. Will is definitely not impressed with the lawn care around here. It seems no one really mows and they for sure do not weed-eat. I am reminded of this at least once daily when we walk. But they sure plant lots of beautiful flowers and I, of course, think they are beautiful. Ha!

 This was so cool... It's all flowers and plants!
Will checking out the weed-eaters here in Poland!

One of the areas we walk!!

The food here is great! Actually, the pizza is AMAZING! I know, pizza, right? Well there is only so much meat and potatoes I can handle. Remember, I’m here for at least 6 weeks so cut me some slack.

 This was my favorite!!... they put corn on their pizza, too!!

 So it's in a Jack Daniel's cup however it is boiled fruit! It was soooo good. Linds it made me think of you! The best way for fruit juice. This is apricots.

I’ve said it once but I must say it again, the Miller’s (missionaries here) are truly a blessing from heaven to us. They have helped us with the apartment we are staying in now, allowed us to attend church with them, had us over for dinner, and given us a stroller, pack and play, and toys to use while we are here. I can’t imagine being so far from home without help from them! At supper Monday night we got to hear their story… they are here in Poland through Josiah Venture where they are working to launch Fusion (it is a ministry to youth through music). They have 4 beautiful children, 1 who is also adopted. They are just a wonderful family with huge hearts. If you are looking for a way to connect to missions, I ask that you consider them. (Give here: https://josiahventure.webconnex.com/1052161) I know it hard to give sometimes so if you are unable to, please pray for them as they work to spread the gospel in Poland.

We have a visit from the social worker this coming Tuesday. She will testify in court for us on our behalf. We are trying to keep Reese bruise and bump free until then! Lol… she is walking however at a regressed stage because of delays expected from the orphanage but the PT in me is making her walk a lot and therefore we have a few falls as expected with any toddler. Nothing that has caused tears yet, whew! So, I misunderstood about court. It is still July 29th however it is in the city Reese’s orphanage is in instead of Warsaw. After this, we head to Warsaw. I’m still searching for a place. I thought I had found a few at a cheaper rate however nothing that has connected for different reasons. Please pray for this. I could be there for up to 34 days after court and paying $65-70/night will be impossible. Although we are fully funded, we aren’t funded for these prices. Of course, there has been a lot of hidden expenses once we got here and that hasn’t helped. Also pray that the judge will let me and Reese leave early and head home 2 weeks after the court day. My cousin, Austin, has been living at our house and I think he would rather us stay gone for a little longer… he better move over though! My bed is all mine when I get there! I’m ready to see my dogs too and let Belle and Bo lick their new sister. I left at a busy time during work as well and I know I need to get back to my patients before my boss loses his hair! Lol.

We’ve Skyped with the family and the kids are priceless… Reese has no idea how much love she is going to get, especially from her cousins that go nuts when we call. Oh, and Hudson got his passport today!! He and Linds will be here for our last week to fly home with me since Will won’t be here.

I can’t wait for y’all to meet Reese!!

P.S. For some reason blogger translates my posts to Polish then back to English so sorry if the wording is weird! I did proof read. J

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gotcha Day!

Where do I begin? We have now been with our beautiful daughter for 36 hours ... and now she is sleeping. Gotcha day was filled with lots of emotions for us, her, and her caregivers. I can not begin to tell you how Reese loved you and even more so, how much she loved them. It was a tearful goodbye for them. Reese was glad to be going "pa pa" (bye-bye).

So we are now in Katowice where we are staying in an apartment that was set up through the American missionaries we were introduced to. The blessings have been numerous and there is no explanation except That God is completely in control. We are here in this apartment with a full kitchen, washer, and even an iron! (They did not have one at the hotel and not everyone has a washer ... we do not have a dryer here.) We are able to stay here for one third of the cost of what we would be paying through our agency. We are within a short walking distances of a grocery store and there are even two parks to go to. One has a children's area: which is perfect to swing with Reese. She LOVES it outside! The driver That takes us to the important stuff (court, doctor's office, etc..) Is named Tom. He graciously let us borrow his wifi hook up so we can communicate with you all at home ... for free! How great is that!

Tomorrow we are heading to our 1 st church service as a family! The missionaries (The Miller's) are meeting us and one is riding the bus (since we do not have a car seat and can not ride with them ... plus they have 4 children!). I'm excited! I can not wait for Reese to be home to meet her church family at Bethel though.

Reese is warming up to us and likes to stay busy. It's not all easy though ... we had a 2 hour melt down last night at bed time. I'm not sure who cried more, me or her. It's so sad not being able to comfort her and hurts even more to think she has never been rocked to sleep and her familiarity it is a crib with 6 other children. The tears are totally worth it though...Will was both our savior last night. Reese rocking to sleep and then holding me as I sobbed without fully knowing why. I understand why people say they fall more in love with Their husbands after the birth of Their child. I love him so much my heart overflows and I can not even begin to think about him leaving us to come home. Today was better with a nap and sleep. Just keep praying every day gets easier for her.

We continue to be blown away by all the encouragement, kind words, and comments you all leave and they make all this easier for us. Y'all are going to love Reese. She is funny and sassy and I think she will be a little too much like her Aunt Lindsey ... she is quite stubborn and a fighter. I will have more to tell you on a later post but for now I will end with a picture That holds my whole world. No. face for her since rules are rules ... July 29 th will be here before we know it. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 1

Today was AMAZING! Our little girl has grown and is funny as ever. Her personality is so BIG and we had a blast with her. She is finally walking and babbling ... who knows if she is actually saying Polish words, lol. We got to spend 3 hours with her this morning and 3 again this afternoon. I have tons of pictures and wish I could share them but can't for 3 weeks.

We are going to have to go through "visitation" for 3 days since there is a new director over the orphanage. We are allowed to get her Friday morning to come stay with us. We hate this isn't happening sooner but it is actually going to give us a chance to talk to the doctor and nurse about all of her medical history so we are happy about that.

Thanks for all the prayers and keep them coming ... we still have a lot of bonding and attachment to go through. J

Monday, July 7, 2014

We're back!!

We are finally back in Poland! We have made it to the hotel, ran to the store for the essentials (water and fan so I can sleep), ate lunch, and now back in the hotel ready to sleep. It's been almost 31 hours of no sleep except a couple of 30 minute cat naps on the plane. We are pretty tired.

I was however going through our suitcases when I stumbled on something I did not pack ... my sneaky sister had Will put an envelope full of cards and a journal from my great friend in my suitcase without me knowing. I can't open the cards yet because they have specific dates but I could see that there are so many cards from so many different people. Maybe this mama thing has already gotten the best of me because the tears came without me opening even one. My heart is overflowing with everyone's love and blessings. It makes me even weepier to know that y'all will share this same love to my daughter when she is home. Thank you all from my whole heart. 

So this is all we know so far ... we meet with the in-country representative tomorrow at 9 to head to the orphanage. Apparently we are going to have to do "visitation" for a few days since there is a new director. And, of course, am going to try to convince them to cut this short so we can have Reese for good and start the official bonding process. We're so excited and it is becoming more real to us. Will said, "Just think, we get to see her every day for the rest of her life starting tomorrow." Poor Reese, her Daddy is never going to let her grow up and marry off. Haha!

After we get through this initial week, we will be heading to a nearby city to stay in an apartment. It's so cool because the ADOPTION network brought us together with some American missionaries who I have been talking with since returning in December and they have set this up through Their church. This not only saves us money, but Allows us to meet some people who can show us the ropes around here and gives us a church to attend! How cool is that?

I promise to keep everyone updated but for now I can barely keep my eyes open. Thanks for all the prayers, posts, texts, and calls. We are so blessed with you all in our lives!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The BIG Call

As most of you know, we got the BIG CALL Monday! I was actually on lunch so it was perfect timing. I saw our agency was calling but honestly thought it was something about a grant we received because they had just called me Friday about it. My squeals couldn't be contained when they said "this is the call you've been waiting on." My co-workers all knew what had happened… they could hear me! I couldn't even understand our agency after that and it took me 3 times to realize they were asking me if I had a piece of paper to start writing dates. She said we needed to be there Monday, July 7th! Wow! That means we have less than a week!! It gets better because she said our court date is July 29th! That's Reese's birthday!! What a 2nd birthday she is going to have... turning 2 and officially having a mama and daddy!!

So I've been running around like crazy, barely being able to focus on my work. There is a lot to do before Sunday morning gets here. I'm even having trouble eating. I mean, I've played in hundreds of basketball games and I'm not sure if my nerves have ever been this shot.

Luckily, my cousin is house sitting! I think he will enjoy having a house to himself with a frig stocked with Gatorade and pizza. We are lucky on the timing because he doesn't have any sports for a month and so he can be there day and night to take care of my chickens and ducks! (Yes, they need morning and night attention... I've grown quite fond of them) Will comes home before me so then he will be able to pick up the routine! I have to admit it makes me quite emotional when I think of leaving my dogs, too... (sigh)...

Today was my last day at work until this is all complete and we are settled back home. I fought back tears through a few patients.  I grow so close to them and so many have been going through this adoption with me. Their excitement means so much to me. And I have the absolute best co-workers in the world. My boss is a mad man who is about to see all my patients on top of his just so I can leave. There aren't many people that selfless... I'm truly blessed. Will is as well. He has an awesome group of customers and great guys working for him who are going to keep things running smooth.

I need to wrap this post up since I should be packing. Here is how it works though for everyone that is interested:

July 7- we arrive in Poland

We should be going July 8 to see Reese and it is up to the orphanage's director if we have to visit her a few days or if we get her right away... let's pray for the 2nd but also that it's a smooth transition for her

As soon as we have Reese, we are pretty much free to do as we wish staying within a certain city. This is the bonding period. We will have a social worker visit us and observe how it is going. We are blessed that we were introduced to some missionaries that are in the same city through the circle of adoption and they have found a place for us to stay. This is going to save us lots of money and it's very helpful to have people there to show us the ropes.

July 29- we head to Warsaw for court. This is the big day!! This is the court hearing that grants us Reese's "official parents." This is "Adoption Day." After this, we can post pictures!! Just get ready for your social media to explode... I will be that mom!!

Will is returning home after this but Reese and I have to stay. Reese has to remain in country for 21 days after the adoption day for visa, birth certificate, etc. to be processed. The plan is to get my sister over to Poland for a few days to fly home with us. We will just have to see how it works but it looks like I'll be gone at least 6-7 weeks.

I will keep the blog updated the best I can!

Whew!! I can't believe I'm about to be a mama! J