Friday, December 13, 2013

"I will not leave you as orphans..."

I can vividly see her face as we rounded the door, standing there in her crib. She was so excited. Someone was coming to get her out of that lonely bed that she spends so much time in. She even had that look like, “Hey, I think I’ve seen y’all before.” Today couldn’t have been a more perfect day with her. She was so happy… smiled and giggled twice as much… and wanted to be held a lot today.  I couldn’t squeeze her more or kiss her cheeks enough before they took her out of our arms.  

No one should ever have to leave their child behind. Just like no child should ever have to be a number, an 8th crib in one crowded room and the 4th room in an orphanage, or a baby who cries but barely makes a noise because sometimes there are just too many others to care for at that moment and so your cries might not be heard.

Looking at this picture, I see her holding tight to her Daddy’s shirt and I feel God whispering for me to cling to Him. I am reminded of His promises… “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18).  I pray now that she knows this promise is for her as well.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made…

Lord, I praise you because my daughter is fearfully and wonderfully made;She is beautiful, full of energy, with big eyes that send any fear or uncertainty far from here. Your works are wonderful,    I know that full well.

How in the world am I going to be able to describe this day… it’s impossible. I mean, how crazy do I sound when I tell you that we were already in love with a child we had never met…  and now, “in love” doesn’t even seem to fit the way we feel about her. Seeing her come through those doors is something I will never forget…

She is amazing. She has so much energy and is into everything! I love it… she will give her cousin, Hollynn, a run for her money. J I guess I don’t know what to compare our 1st meeting to but I can’t imagine it could have gone any better. She was a little copy-cat and mimicked everything we did! She loves to have her neck tickled and kisses herself in the mirror. I so wish I could post pictures! That can’t come until 2nd trip.

I’m usually good at this writing stuff, but I honestly feel at a loss for words… All I can do is praise God and thank Him… "She didn't have to be perfect, because she was perfectly loved"... but I can't think of anything that could make her more perfect!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We Made It!

We made it to Poland! We are tired but happy we got here safely. We had to sprint to make connecting flights but it was fun and better than a long layover in DC or Germany. We arrived a little after 10 am (so 3 am your time) and when we finally got to our hotel decided to shower and take a short nap. We got to meet with a person associated with our agency for just a short time to discuss tomorrow’s plans. Originally, we were to meet with the Polish Authority today however this was postponed until tomorrow. Our day starts at 8 (1 am your time). We get to meet our daughter tomorrow and as tired as I am, I’m not sure how much sleep I will get…

Everyone has been nice so far! Will is trying to spruce up on his Polish and surprisingly (or not) he tends to quickly add in Spanish words! Ha! I hope to take tons of pictures tomorrow and give a better update. Thanks for all the prayers. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Travel Dates... Whoohooo!

We have travel dates!! We found out yesterday that we will be heading to Poland December 9th-14th. I can’t believe this has happened so fast. We will arrive in Poland on December 10th (because of the flight and time change.) We meet with the Polish authority first then we get to meet our little girl on the 11th. We get to spend time with her twice a day on the 11th, 12th, and 13th then we fly back home on the 14th. We are sooooo pumped! 


On another note, we have an Origami Owl party active right now until tomorrow evening so if you want to order anything please visit if you want to order. It would make a great Christmas gift. Just check our party at check out. Amanda is so sweet to donate back to us to help fund our adoption!!


I can’t tell you all how encouraging all your sweet words have meant to us. We are beyond blessed!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Are Y'all Ready For This...

This blog post comes with nothing less than a million emotions all trying to escape this 5’5” body I have.  On Friday, November 8th, 2013 at 12:49, we received the best call ever! 
We have a referral! I can’t even explain the joy, nervousness, and tears that followed! A little over 2 months after turning in our dossier, we actually have a child waiting for us! I wish I could tell you all about this child, however, there are laws to protect children and families and therefore we must keep things a secret until everything becomes more official…

I will tell you HER big blue eyes have already captured her daddy. She is beautiful. With all this joy however comes a lot of fear…. You see, she is not a “typical child” as most people would expect. She is an orphan, living in an orphanage. She has not had a mother and a father to hold her tight to keep her warm, wipe her tears when she is sick or hurt, or kiss her sweet cheeks to hear her laugh. She has some complications that honestly frighten us and has made us question if we can handle what we are in. She has concerned the doctors and specialists with some of her medical issues and has even been labeled “high risk”… I want you to read this and I want you to think on this because she is not a “typical child,” like I said…  but...SHE IS GOD’S CHILD… She has had a father who surpasses all fathers this entire time. She has had Him love her more in her short life span than Will and I could ever imagine loving her in our entire life. And you know what? She was NO SURPRISE to Him… her diagnosis doesn’t scare Him. He didn’t ask the doctors what they thought before He made His plan to “knit her together in her mother’s womb” or ask a specialist where at in the charts she should be (Psalm 139:13). He sure isn’t concerned with how her "referral" reads now. But how will she know this if she never has someone tell her how “fearfully and wonderfully made” she is?

Lord, how grateful I am that you didn’t ask the doctors what they thought of me when I came needing your salvation… what a mess of a referral I was, definitely not a “typical child.” All the development delays in my life as a sinful person… You know I wasn’t walking by faith when I should have been. I still need your hand to hold when taking my 1st, 2nd, and even last steps. There is no way my heart is fully developed to reflect Jesus’ character. But you still looked at me and gave me a chance. You saved me from this world, You wrap your arms around me, You wipe my tears, and You kiss my cheeks.                     
 JJ Heller’s song says…

“Who will love me for me
Not for what I have done or what I will become
Who will love me for me
'Cause nobody has shown me what love
What love really means”

Thank you, Lord, for loving me for me and showing me what love really means. Please flood our heart so we can show this type of love to this special little girl.    

I was reminded of Abram (Genesis 12) by a friend who I know is praying earnestly for us. He made a journey into a land he had never seen. NEVER! As the devotion states, “for the time being the call is enough.”  Now I want to be clear about something… I’m not here to stand and say that any of this is simple or easy or that I understand why this is the way it is. All I know is that this child at least deserves a chance and for right now, the call to go and meet her is enough.  And that is what Will and I are going to do… give her a chance and with the Lord willing, so much more.

We were advised to wait to hear back from the Polish Authority to see if they would answer more questions on her medical complications and today we finally got the information! We “accepted her” and will be going to Poland to meet this Princess of the King of Kings.  

So this is what I know so far… we’ve accepted and the Polish authority will be receiving our email (hopefully as we sleep). We will have travel dates for our first trip hopefully by the end of the week and were told to expect to travel soon. This will be our 1st of 2 trips. This first trip will be short and we will meet her and find out more about her. I’m pretty sure that we then go before a judge and “officially accept her” before the court. We then will come back home for more paperwork and prepare for our 2nd trip for when we travel and stay for 6 weeks. We really need your prayers on this! Please pray that travel will come quickly. It would be much more beneficial, for Will especially, to travel in the winter when grass isn’t growing. But more importantly, we don’t want to be away from our daughter any longer than necessary.

I honestly can’t say thank you enough for everything y’all have done for us! We love y’all and can’t wait to tell our LITTLE GIRL about all the awesome people that have played such an important role in her coming home.all

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Dossier is Complete!!

I have so much to tell about! First and foremost though, OUR IMMIGRATION APPROVAL FINALLY CAME! This was our last big document we were waiting on to be able to turn our dossier (our big stack of papers) in to get them to Poland. We have been waiting 2 months on this piece a paper and if you heard a squeal on Wednesday afternoon then you know when I found it in our PO Box. J

So I had lots to get done on Friday… I took all of those documents that we had been collecting and for the past 7-8 months (41 to be exact) to have a notary seal placed on them. Well, let me back up for one second! First, all of these documents had to be notarized… Do y’all know Brandy Knox?? Well let me tell you that without her, this adoption would not be taking place. She so generously notarized ALL of our documents! And not just 41 of them… because I made several mistakes throughout this process, I bet she notarized 100 papers with several having to be re-done. (so sorry, Brandy). And the best part about it, she did all of it with a HUGE smile on her face and covered our documents with prayer. I owe her BIG TIME and I don’t know how saying thank you will ever be enough!

So, I took all of these documents that Brandy notarized to the county… the county put a seal on it to say that Brandy is legit. (which of course she is!) THEN, I went to Secretary of State to have yet another seal placed on these papers to make them “state official.” After that, I headed to FedEx to send them off with a hefty check to Saint Mary’s International Agency (our international agency) who received them yesterday! They are double checking everything 1 more time and then they will send it on to Poland. Once it gets to Poland, it must be translated. Once this is complete, Will and I will then be placed on a list to find our match!
[Yes, I made the poor guy at FedEx take a picture... after threatening him to protect that box with his life! He was really nice! I was just glad to get out of FedEx without crying! haha!]

I’m just soooo excited! I finally feel like we will be able to make progress. It has been so difficult for me the past 2 months to just wait… to just be still. The Lord knows that patience is NOT my virtue yet it is tested… EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! Many tears have fallen on my pillow as I try to let God’s peace wrap around me during this waiting process.

So as things start to move along, we still have lots of money to raise! I will be posting another reading on the price of adoption to explain more on the financial burden of adoption because I feel this will be beneficial to people who may not understand the costs. We are looking at over $50,000 for this adoption when it’s all said and done. YIKES! That’s a big number… But how awesome is it that God is WAAAYYY bigger than $50,000? In just the past 8 months we have been able to raise, save, and fundraise over $25,000. This on top of our monthly bills, grocery, gas, car repairs, etc. This is crazy! If you told me in February that we would have ½ our adoption paid this soon, I would have secretly thought you were nuts. In fact, I’m pretty sure that some people have told me that the money would come and I actually told them they were nuts. I’m a budget FREAK (just ask Will) and let me tell you, the numbers DON’T ADD UP! We can’t afford this no matter what way you look at it and yet, the money has shown up! Please don’t read over this with a little shake of your head because YOU played a huge role. I mean we just had a yard sale this past Saturday with another adopting couple that brought in over $1000.00!! That’s over $500 a piece to help bring home TWO orphans!  I hope you realize how God has used you! But we still need help! So below are fundraisers that are still going on… please tell everyone you know about them!

Fundraiser #1: Kimberly Brickles has been so generous to put together an online Initials Inc party. Check out her site and click shop now under our event (Casey Davis):

She is giving back 25% of the sales to our adoption. And better yet if you buy a “Your Best Life” case for $20, $5 will be donated to Bethany’s NOW campaign plus $5 will be donated to our adoption. Bethany is an adoption agency that is using this campaign to raise money to help other families cover the cost of adoption too! So you are helping not only our adoption but another family’s adoption! How awesome!

Fundraiser #2: We still have LOTS of puzzle pieces. We are asking for $5 donation per a piece. Your name will then be placed on the back and when the puzzle is complete we will be able to show our child all the pieces (people) of the puzzle that helped bring him/her home.

Fundraiser #3: There will be a dessert auction held on September 28th at our church (Bethel Free Will Baptist) and this will be for our family and the Lytle’s who are adopting from the Congo. Come out and get you a GREAT dessert. Or if you are interested in making something scrumptious for the auction then just shoot me an email! (caseydavis20 @ hotmail .com)

Thanks for all the prayers, encouragement, and support you’ve given us! It really means a lot. Keep the prayers coming… we still have a long haul in front of us!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


2 words… how can 2 words carry the weight of all the love and appreciation we have for YOU? It just doesn’t seem like 2 words can wrap up all these emotions and properly express them…
Nonetheless, I will say them-
THANK YOU for making our online auction a HUGE success. Have you heard?... we raised OVER $4800 because of all your love and support. That’s CRAZY, people!! We have the money, and plus some, to get our dossier to Poland. That means that you helped us climb a mountain and get us a step closer to our future child.

This experience has been so amazingly humbling and there are times (well, many times) that I find myself sitting here with tears streaming down my face asking myself, “Why us, Lord?” Why is God using people like you to bless us through your giving, prayers, and encouragement?  I can’t tell you how many instances I have choked trying to find the words when someone has handed us money or an item to auction off from values of $1 to $1000. And the excitement that I had everyday trying to get to Facebook and see what bids had come through… (which by the way, y’all were hilarious to watch)… was out the roof.

I have had several times that someone has said to me “what a blessing you and Will are and will be to a child” and I just want to grab that person’s face and say, “NO! What a blessing YOU are to our child.” I can’t wait to hold my child and bring him/her home to a community filled with people like you! Quoting one of my favorite people…”It takes a village to raise a child but sometimes it takes a village to BRING HOME A CHILD.” I wish I had the time to personally add all of your names to this blog to personally give you a chance to shine. I’m sure your name is on a puzzle piece! What a story we have to tell our child about. And an even bigger story to tell him/her about how this is all happening because of the LORD and HOW AWESOME HE IS.

I do have to give a few shout outs though for all the people and businesses that donated an item to the auction. Please please please check the list out at the end of this post. If for any reason you are looking for a product that these people can provide then I ask that you contact them! You will not only get great customer service and products, you will be dealing with someone who has a huge heart and is very generous and was willing to sacrifice to make there one less orphan in this world. If you need more info on anything in the list then let me know! I will make sure you get in contact with that person or find the product you want. J

Whew! I’m almost done…With all this said, I have to call out my sister!  I have absolutely no idea where I would be without her.  She has worked harder than me throughout this adoption process… calling and emailing with ideas (usually at the oddest hours in the night) J, helping me with paperwork and questions, riding the emotional roller coaster with me so she can tell me that it’s all going to be alright, and being the biggest prayer warrior I can have on my side.  I can’t wait for her to be “Aunt Lindsey.” I LOVE HER SO MUCH and I know her niece or nephew will too.

Ok, I will wrap this up but I have one more thing you have to read… I stole this off another adopting mom’s blog and it’s just too perfect so I couldn’t pass up sharing this:
I feel so helpless to say "thank you"'s so measly. So worthless in the light of true sacrifice. But in our weakness we realize that we can't say thank you enough. It would be like trying to say thank you enough for our salvation. Both are going to fall short, with salvation being much much weightier of course. We pray that God would use the generosity of others to transform our hearts to be more like His. These are the moments when we see His hands and feet at their best. These are the moments when others point us to Jesus and we realize in a tangible way what God has done for us.


Jessie Binkley- AdvoCare
Pat Head Summitt
Lindsey Carney- Treasure2Farm
Kristen Blankenship- All Tied Up Hair Ties & Headbands
Tammy Walker Massage
Hope Flowers- Candles
Heather Roberson- Hair bow holders/wipe cases/key fobs
Jeanna Newton- Pampered Chef
Ashland City Times
Shelby Blake- Custom Designs
Lindsey and David Shores
Bambi Bandle- Chevron Afghans
Hazel Head- Red Velvet Cake
Joyce Attebery- Sour Cream Bundt Cake
Alison Shores- Custom Made Cakes
Kelsey Forsythe- Cakes by Kelsey Gourmet Package
Amanda Durham
Melissa Lewis Photography
Sycamore Golf Club
Highland Rim Golf Club
Eastland Green Golf Club
Melissa Davis- Christmas Done Bright
Janna Harris- Janna’s Crafty Creations (pic frames and shirts)
Deandra Mitchell- All Things Vinyl (personalized tiles)
Tracie Jones- Hair stylist
Liz Wockey
Tiffany Bailey- Avon
Diane Lytle- Mary Kay
Maria Latham Photography
Southern Gymnastics in Pleasant View
Brown Sugar Cake Room in Pleasant View
Jessica Arnold Handmade Jewelry
BTM Fitness FIT Camp with Brian Taylor
El Alteno Mexican Restaurant
Pleasant View Mill
Candice Luna
Dunkin Donuts
Renee Betts- Hair Stylist
Robert Head’s Barbeque
Cindy Hayes- Longaberger
Ms. Judy’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sheryl Carney
Sarah Sanford – Scentsy
Wesley Attebery
Janie Dabney- Tupperware
Lesli Oliver & Ashley Armstrong- Blitzy Bands
Todd Ford
Donna Knox


"Thank You" in Polish

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Online Auction

The online auction is UP and BOOMING!! :) Here is a complete list...
If you don't have facebook and would like to see some of the items, just comment or email me and I will get you a description and picture then we can post your bids for you! Don't hesitate to ask about as much as you want! :)


May 25th-June 2nd

Here is a complete list of things to look for… If you can’t find it then just message me and I’ll make sure you find the place to do the bidding.
~AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink- Grape~
~AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink- Fruit Punch~
~Thirty-One Littles Carry-All Caddy- Windsor Argyle~
~Thirty-One Timeless Wristlet- Patchwork Paisley~
~All About Town Blanket- Windsor Bouquet~
~Thirty-One Expand-A-Day Extender Tote-Windsor Argyle
~Thirty-One Wristlet Wallet- Botanical Lace~
~Thirty-One Essentials Crossbody-Black~
~Thirty-One Flat Iron Case- Circle Spirals
~Thirty-One Cosmetic Bag- Free Spirit Floral~
~Thirty-One Mini Organizer- Say It Taupe~
~Thirty-One Mini Utility Bin- Say It Taupe~
~Thirty-One Large Utility Tote- Plum Mod Dot with “Just Believe” Monogram~
~Thirty-One Keep It Caddy-Party Punch
~Thirty-One Cinch Sac- Pink Circle Spirals
~Thirty-One Thermal Tote- Plum Mod Dot with “Just Believe” monogrammed
~Picnic Thermal- Windsor Argyle with “Munchies” monogrammed
~Thirty-One Retro Metro Tote- Black Happy Dot
~Cakes by Kelsey Party Package~
~Sum It Up book autographed by Pat Summitt~
~Autographed Basketball by Pat Summitt~
~Treasure 2 Farm Horseback Riding Lessons
~30 minute massage by Tammy Walker~
~Adoption t-shirt, jewelry, and coffee cup from Shores Adoption!
~Red Velvet Cake by Hazel Head
~Sour Cream Bunt Cake~
~ $25 JoAnn Gift Card
~18 holes of golf for 2 people at Eastland Green Golf Course
~ $20 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~ $20 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~ $20 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~ $20 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~ $10 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~ $10 Gift Certificate to Robert Head's Bar-B-Q
~Until We All Come Home: A Harrowing Journey, a Mother's Courage, a Race to Freedom by Kim de Blecourt AUTOGRAPHED copy
~$50 Pleasant View Milling Company Gift Certificate~
~All Tied Up Hair Ties & Headbands
~All Tied Up Hair Ties & Headbands
~12” Covered Skillet from Pampered Chef~
~Ashland City Times~
~Adoption Image jpeg
~Adoption Image jpeg
~Handmade Gray and White Chevron Afghan
~Custom Made Afghan
~Movie Bucket~
~Movie Bucket~
~Photography Session with Melissa Lewis
~Matilda Jane Perfect Day Knot Dress~
~Sycamore Golf Club- 18 holes for 4 people~
~Sycamore Golf Club- 18 holes for 4 people~
~Celebrate Jesus Christmas Décor from Christmas Done Bright~
~Personalize Floating Frame
~Chevron Picture Frame
~T-shirt with Headband
~Personalized Tile from All Things Vinyl~
~Tile Home Décor "with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" from All Things Vinyl~
~Hair Cut and Products by Traci Cole-Jones
~Avon Gift Basket
~Cake by Alison Shores
~Cake by Alison Shores
~Highland Rim Golf Course
~3 Dozen Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
~Christian movie and book set for young children
~Christian movie and book set for young children
~Christian movie and book set for young children
~CD Set
~The Jesus Storybook Bible for Children
~My Favorite Bible for Children
~New Testament Adventure Bible Storybook
~Windsor Argyle Bible Cover
~Photography Session with Maria Latham
~1 dozen cupcakes from Brown Sugar Cake Room
~El Alteno Gift Card in Springfield, TN
~T-Shirt and Cold Beverage Cup from Dunkin’ Donuts
~Longaberger Woven Traditions Travel Mug
~Longaberger Woven Traditions Travel Mug
~Tupperware 4 piece Classic Bowl Set
~Green Thumb Full Size Scentsy Warmer and  Scent Bar
~Lakin McKey Trading Co Men’s Fleece Lined Jacket
~Vera Bradley Lisa B Loves Me Purse
~Vera Bradley Purse in Watercolor
~Coach Purse
~Blitzy Bands By Elmer and Stitch
~Matrix Hair Products
~MaryKay Products
~Gift Card to AMC Theatres
~Hooded Girl’s Bath Towel with Towel
~Wipe holder with zipper with Huggies wipe included
~Wipe holder with zipper with Huggies wipe included
~Wipe holder with zipper with Huggies wipe included
~Hair bow/Accessory Holders- Regular
~Hair bow/Accessory Holders- Regular
~Hair bow/Accessory Holders-Small
~Wall Decor
~Wall Decor
~Candles and Scent Blocks
~1 month gymnastics from Southern Gymnastics
~Handmade Jewelry
~Wristlet Key Chain/Fob
~Wristlet Key Chain/Fob
~Wristlet Key Chain/Fob
~Wristlet Key Chain/Fob
~Wristlet Key Chain/Fob
~Handmade Baby Blanket

~Pistol Ammunition

Friday, May 24, 2013

Online Auction Sneak Peak

Here is a copy and paste from my sister's blog for our online have to check it out!!

It starts Sunday and here is the final's long, but you can do it...

2 containers of Advocare Spark Energy Drink
Pat Summitt signed book and basketball
4 horseback riding lessons from me :)
30 min. massage from Tammy Walker
Headbands for girls big and small
Candle and Scarf set
12" Stainless Steel Pampered Chef Skillet (I'm drooling over this one)
1 year Ashland City Times Subscription
Adoption Picture custom made
T-shirt, jewelry, coffee cup
Gray/White Chevron blanket (this one just excites me!)
Custom made with your color of choice and white chevron blanket
Red Velevet Cake by Hazel Head
Pound Cake by Joyce Attebery
2 Cakes by Allison Shored (birthday, for a shower, etc.)
2 Movie Buckets
JoAnn's Gift Card
Matilda Jane sz. 6 girls dress
Melissa Lewis Photography Session
Sycamore Golf
Highland Rim Golf
Eastland Green Golf course
Several different cool crafts
Specialty Package by Kelsey's Cakes
AMC Theater gift card
Avon Gift Basket
Mary Kay Gift Basket
Maria Latham Photography Session
Tracie Jones hair cut, wash, style, and biolage products
1 month southern gymnastics
Dozen cupcakes from Brown Sugar Cake Room
Several Book sets for kids and adults
Gift Certificates to Robert Head's BBQ
Gift certificate to El Alteno
FIT Bootcamp
Bioloage Hair Product basket
Longaberger Products
LOTS of brand new 31 Items
2 Brand New Vera Bradley purses and 1 coach purse
Bitsy Bands
Scentsy pot and scent
3 dozen choc. chip cookies
Tupperware bowl set
brand new jacket from co-op
PV Mill gift certificate $50
Handmade Jewelry

Whew, you did it! Each item will have a picture, description, retail value, and link (if applicable). See a product you are interested in but you are not on fb? Just e-mail me and I will tell you how to get your bid in. Please go to fb and join...
And please pray with us that this fundraiser is a HUGE success and pushes Will and Casey through this big hurdle! I have learned that once there paperwork is in the wait for a referral is between 1-6 months!!! That's not long people!! We (yes, I said we) could have a referral this year! THIS YEAR!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Online Donation

We changed our online donation to "" This is a free site whereas PayPal took a percentage of donations!! Here you can buy puzzle pieces as well! Let me know if you have questions or difficulty. :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Yard Sale...

Quick post-

We are having a yard sale May 25th. All the money made will go to... you guessed it! Our adoption. lol
If you have some stuff laying around your house that you want to get rid of and just haven't had the time to do it then PLEASE let me know! I'll be glad to come take it off your hands for our yard sale. Whatever doesn't sell at the yard sell will be donated. Thanks!
Oh, you can contact me through comments here, facebook, or email (

Saturday, April 27, 2013

No Morning Sickness...Just Paper Cuts

Ha! I love this title but I totally stole it from another girl’s blog. But IT’S SO TRUE! Luckily, the majority of the paper work is behind us for a bit. I’ve gathered paper work, printed paper work, signed paper work, gathered more paperwork… it’s crazy! And thankfully I have an awesome friend at Bethel who is willing to sacrifice her time to notarize EVERYTHING! Thanks, Brandy. J

We’ve completed our 3 home study meetings but we do have a problem that we could use major prayers for… we had to be fingerprinted for FBI clearance, including my dad since we lived with him. We all did this and sent it the beginning of March. Will and I received our clearance a little over a week ago and we found out then that they want Dad’s redone because his prints were too “low of characteristic” and quality. I called and spoke to a guy who said if people have callused hands they usually don’t accept them if they aren’t printed well. Plus, my dad had a skill saw accident many years ago that affected 3 fingers on his right hand.  My dad went immediately and was re-printed however his is a 6 week process after it is received AND our home study can’t be completed without this document. So it’s our 1st set back… and it’s 6 weeks IF they take this 2nd set. Ugh!! My co-worker was very encouraging the other day and reminded me that every set back will be worth it because it will lead us exactly to our child. I’m trying to remember this.

So while we wait, my awesome sister has been working extra hard to get us started on another fund raiser. It’s an online auction. This is how it goes—

“I'm enthusiastically waiting on my niece/nephew from Poland! Will and Casey need $4,000 to complete their dossier (big set of papers), they are just waiting on USCIS and then the dossier will be complete & ready for Poland. I am wanting to do an online auction for them to help raise these funds and you popped into my head as someone who might could help. If you have a service or items that you make or sell, would you consider donating something for the online auction? I am going to really push this to be a big event so my hopes is that it helps Will & Casey out as well as get business for those donating, we can definitely link your site/product into the online auction if you'd like. 
I'm going to say thank you in advance, I know God will use this to provide in a huge way and I cannot wait to watch Him work! I know you guys are prayer warriors, too, so please pray for them and this journey.”

It was much easier to just copy and paste her request. If you want to get involved PLEASE let us know. We’ve already had many people commit to this including jewelry, Signed copy of “Sum It Up” by Pat Summitt, hair accessories, candles, cakes, gift cards, custom canvas prints, etc. We will take anything… any crafts or services including haircuts, manicure/pedicures,  massage, photography session, avon, pampered chef, scentsy, MaryKay, gift cards to restaurants, personal trainer or exercise classes. This will also give you a chance to promote your business or hobby as well.

We also still have our puzzle piece fundraiser still going.  So far we’ve sold 81 pieces and raised over $840!! Guess what… we still have 432 pieces left to sell! Don’t you want your name on one of those pieces. J

We have added a PayPal button to the right of our blog so now you can donate online.  Just click the “donate” button. You can pay using PayPal or if you don’t have an account you can donate with your bank account or credit card. This was one of the best options we found. It is free to have an account however 3% of each donation is taken out for the process fee.

Coming soon is another fundraiser… mini picture sessions with you and your family. I will post soon on times, days, prices, etc. Let me know if you are interested in this. It would be a great time to get some good pictures at a great deal while also supporting adoption.

Thanks for wading through this journey with us. I can’t even begin to tell you all how encouraged Will and I are because of people like you! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I’m a little overdue for an update… I wish I could tell you that so much has been done over the past few weeks but honestly, we’ve just been up to our ears in paperwork! It’s crazy how much paperwork is required for adoption. And then once you get it, you have to get it certified only to get it certified again. It’s amazing how anyone can decide to become a parent and birth a child but you have to be put through the ringer to adopt… medical, financial, psychological, background checks, references… whew! We’ve completed our medical checks, had our 1st home study meeting, and sent off our fingerprints for our FBI background check. Now we are working on educational classes and our autobiography and marriage questionnaire for our social worker so she can start the home study write up. Everyone says that our social worker will know more about us than we know about ourselves- a little scary, huh? Anyways, all this will make up our dossier which is a collection of papers and info on Will and me and why we should be allowed to adopt. Once our dossier is complete, we hope to have a referral in 6-9 months. We are slowly treading through.

But onto exciting news…

Thanks to an awesome friend at Bethel, Shelby Blake, we have our first fundraiser!! She was able to design a picture that we wanted of the world showing the connection from Poland to Tennessee… the little journey we will travel to bring a special child home!! Check it out…

We then had this picture flipped into a puzzle of 513 pieces. Yes, 513! Being the genius that I am (or rather that I’m not), I didn’t think about how hard it would be to put this puzzle together… we hope to have it done before the baby comes home. Lol…



And here’s how it will go… We are asking for a donation of $5 for each piece. When you donate to our adoption for a puzzle piece you get to write your name on the back of your piece. We will then connect the puzzle and eventually (and hopefully) when it is completed we will be able to frame it and show our child one day all the pieces of the puzzle that brought him or her home. YOU could be a piece of this puzzle and this amazing journey. Please let me know if you are interested and tell all your friends. You can call me or Will, email us, facebook us, or whatever. We will keep puzzle pieces with us at almost all times so you can donate whenever!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Questions...

The big questions- I knew the questions would come… some good, some not so good, some serious, some silly, and quite frankly some stupid. But as we all were probably told as a kid, if we don’t ask we will never know. So I expect questions. In fact, I welcome questions. That way, you will know. So let me address a few that we've had so far… well the not so stupid ones at least.

Why adoption? Do you not want biological kids?
Well yes, we do want a biological child… just like we want an adopted child. And that’s just that. We WANT BOTH! Have we been trying for a biological child? Yes, we have, for quite some time. But hey, I've already told you how the whole planning my life thing myself didn't work out. Like one of my friends texted me the other night… God just has something else highlighted right now.

So you've been trying and haven’t gotten pregnant… is there something wrong?
Nah, I don’t really think so! Sure there are some things that didn’t match up on my blood work but nothing I feel stressed about now. It’s been given to the Lord.  I guess the only thing that is wrong is MY opinion on what I think GOD’S timing should be.  I was offered the medication and stuff but Will and I decided that it’s just not us. We don’t want to go through it. Not that’s it is wrong if anyone else does it. Like I said, it’s just not us. We rather put our time, energy, and money into adoption.

So you’re adopting… are you just going to stop “trying “ to have biological kids?
Ummm… do you really want me to answer this one? :)  We’re young and pretty healthy and will more than likely be able to have biological kids one day. It just hasn’t happened for us yet. And what’s the big deal? Why not adopt now? We are ready! I love what my sister once said… “Adoption is not just for the barren. It’s not just for people to feel 'normal' and 'complete their family'. We aren't called to a life of normal.” We are adopting regardless of what the future holds for us- biological kids or not. Our decision has been made. So get on board. :)

Ok, ok- so you are adopting… why Poland?
 Will and I prayfully considered international vs domestic and although I probably can’t give you an answer some may want to hear, we felt led to do international. In my opinion, EVERY ORPHAN needs a home regardless of what country they are in so try to not to judge either way. I know people that have adopted both domestic and internationally and EVERY CHILD IS BEAUTIFUL and all of the parents are nothing short of a BLESSING to not only their children, but also to me and Will. So after we decided on international adoption we began narrowing countries down based on our age and length of marriage. We looked at the age of the children, their needs, and the requirements of the country. After the weeding out process was over we had a few countries on our list and Poland was the one! It’s been researched, studied, and most importantly prayed about. We weren’t specific about gender…. We are open to a boy or girl!

When do you get to bring a child home?
Ugh, the question that stinks to answer. Adoption is a LONG process. One that the Lord will surely grow my patience with. The total process can take anywhere from 12-18 months depending on how paperwork goes. We are fresh in… it’s going to be a while. But hey, this just gives my mother-in-law time to pick out what her grandchild will call her! J

What can you do to help?
So glad you asked! J This WAS not a stupid question but rather the SMARTEST of all… haha! First and foremost, PRAY! Pray for our child, born or unborn. Pray for our strength and patience through this process. And pray that the PROOF OF HIS LOVE will be shown all throughout this process. (have you figured out my theme yet? Lol)
Adoption is not only emotionally draining but also financially. We have some cool ideas for fundraisers… bracelets, shirts, and a 5k hopefully in the fall. Buy some Thirty-One stuff from me…let Will cut your grass! J It’s all going to a good cause. Stay connected and I’ll keep you posted if you are interested in helping us bring a little home!

I hope this helps answer a few of your questions! If you have more, then ask! Just don’t be shocked if there is an answer on the other end that you aren’t expecting. But if you know me or my family by now, then you expect it. J

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The News Is Out

We officially broke the news... I guess the saying is true- nothing is officially until it's "Facebook official." :) So after telling family, close friends, and our awesome church it was that time last night!
We are ADOPTING! We are going to POLAND! And we are soooo EXCITED!

Adoption has been on our hearts for a while now but if anyone knows me then you know that things just don't happen unless they are on in ink in my planner... and more than likely highlighted! (Kimberly, Kelsey, Carlie, and Kim...wink wink) I never dreamed that adoption would come now. Later, but not now... at 3.5 years of marriage, as barely a new grad, and as living at my parents. (Yes, a story for another time.) I had my plans in place and this was to come farther down the road. Funny how God makes you think you're completely in control and then all of a sudden throws you for a loop. I love His humor. He totally wrecked my planner! ha! God's been laying something on my heart for almost a year a now and I just couldn't figure out exactly what it was. After being in Russia to bring home my 2nd nephew with my sister, however, adoption seem to have a connection with it. And of course I have a man that patiently listened to me talk to him almost daily about it. I tried to hush the calling I felt until I couldn't do it anymore. It hit me square in the face on the way home from working out early one morning when For King and Country's song "The Proof of Your Love" came on the gotta listen to it if you haven't heard the song. Through my sobs I realized that it was exactly what God was calling to me to be... PROOF! PROOF OF HIS LOVE! And what better way to do that then to get the chance to show a child this proof. A child that is small, hungry, lonely, cold, and fatherless in this fallen world... because hey, that's exactly what me and Will were- we were small, hungry, lonely, and cold in this crazy, fallen world at one point. And what did Jesus do, He adopted us! He wrapped his loving, warm, and awesome arms around us. He fed us, loved us, clothed us, and blessed us beyond our dreams and He is still doing it today! And how could I deny this is what God has been speaking to me about when Will felt it too?

Ahhhh,  can you hear my excitement? We are going to get the chance to do this for a child. We are going to love the fatherless. We are going to show mercy. And we are going to do for the least of these! And best of all, we are going to do this for a child we call OUR OWN!

Will and I are already blown away by the amazing support everyone has shown. Please join us through this journey!! We know we can't do it without you!