Friday, February 22, 2013

The Questions...

The big questions- I knew the questions would come… some good, some not so good, some serious, some silly, and quite frankly some stupid. But as we all were probably told as a kid, if we don’t ask we will never know. So I expect questions. In fact, I welcome questions. That way, you will know. So let me address a few that we've had so far… well the not so stupid ones at least.

Why adoption? Do you not want biological kids?
Well yes, we do want a biological child… just like we want an adopted child. And that’s just that. We WANT BOTH! Have we been trying for a biological child? Yes, we have, for quite some time. But hey, I've already told you how the whole planning my life thing myself didn't work out. Like one of my friends texted me the other night… God just has something else highlighted right now.

So you've been trying and haven’t gotten pregnant… is there something wrong?
Nah, I don’t really think so! Sure there are some things that didn’t match up on my blood work but nothing I feel stressed about now. It’s been given to the Lord.  I guess the only thing that is wrong is MY opinion on what I think GOD’S timing should be.  I was offered the medication and stuff but Will and I decided that it’s just not us. We don’t want to go through it. Not that’s it is wrong if anyone else does it. Like I said, it’s just not us. We rather put our time, energy, and money into adoption.

So you’re adopting… are you just going to stop “trying “ to have biological kids?
Ummm… do you really want me to answer this one? :)  We’re young and pretty healthy and will more than likely be able to have biological kids one day. It just hasn’t happened for us yet. And what’s the big deal? Why not adopt now? We are ready! I love what my sister once said… “Adoption is not just for the barren. It’s not just for people to feel 'normal' and 'complete their family'. We aren't called to a life of normal.” We are adopting regardless of what the future holds for us- biological kids or not. Our decision has been made. So get on board. :)

Ok, ok- so you are adopting… why Poland?
 Will and I prayfully considered international vs domestic and although I probably can’t give you an answer some may want to hear, we felt led to do international. In my opinion, EVERY ORPHAN needs a home regardless of what country they are in so try to not to judge either way. I know people that have adopted both domestic and internationally and EVERY CHILD IS BEAUTIFUL and all of the parents are nothing short of a BLESSING to not only their children, but also to me and Will. So after we decided on international adoption we began narrowing countries down based on our age and length of marriage. We looked at the age of the children, their needs, and the requirements of the country. After the weeding out process was over we had a few countries on our list and Poland was the one! It’s been researched, studied, and most importantly prayed about. We weren’t specific about gender…. We are open to a boy or girl!

When do you get to bring a child home?
Ugh, the question that stinks to answer. Adoption is a LONG process. One that the Lord will surely grow my patience with. The total process can take anywhere from 12-18 months depending on how paperwork goes. We are fresh in… it’s going to be a while. But hey, this just gives my mother-in-law time to pick out what her grandchild will call her! J

What can you do to help?
So glad you asked! J This WAS not a stupid question but rather the SMARTEST of all… haha! First and foremost, PRAY! Pray for our child, born or unborn. Pray for our strength and patience through this process. And pray that the PROOF OF HIS LOVE will be shown all throughout this process. (have you figured out my theme yet? Lol)
Adoption is not only emotionally draining but also financially. We have some cool ideas for fundraisers… bracelets, shirts, and a 5k hopefully in the fall. Buy some Thirty-One stuff from me…let Will cut your grass! J It’s all going to a good cause. Stay connected and I’ll keep you posted if you are interested in helping us bring a little home!

I hope this helps answer a few of your questions! If you have more, then ask! Just don’t be shocked if there is an answer on the other end that you aren’t expecting. But if you know me or my family by now, then you expect it. J

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to read on Lindsey's blog that you are adopting. Although you and I have never met, I am totally NOT surprised by that decision:) I will be praying for you all. I know how long the process is and how completely draining it can be. I have often said, adoption is not for the faint of heart. If you didn't want to do it, you just wouldn't. But as you well know, it's so worth the effort. I look forward to following along on your journey.
