Friday, December 13, 2013

"I will not leave you as orphans..."

I can vividly see her face as we rounded the door, standing there in her crib. She was so excited. Someone was coming to get her out of that lonely bed that she spends so much time in. She even had that look like, “Hey, I think I’ve seen y’all before.” Today couldn’t have been a more perfect day with her. She was so happy… smiled and giggled twice as much… and wanted to be held a lot today.  I couldn’t squeeze her more or kiss her cheeks enough before they took her out of our arms.  

No one should ever have to leave their child behind. Just like no child should ever have to be a number, an 8th crib in one crowded room and the 4th room in an orphanage, or a baby who cries but barely makes a noise because sometimes there are just too many others to care for at that moment and so your cries might not be heard.

Looking at this picture, I see her holding tight to her Daddy’s shirt and I feel God whispering for me to cling to Him. I am reminded of His promises… “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18).  I pray now that she knows this promise is for her as well.


  1. this is so sweet look at that little hand i pray that God will watch over her and keep her safe unlit the day you get to take her home

  2. I know how hard it was for me to leave Madison when she had to stay in the NICU after she was born for a couple of weeks. I can't imagine how hard it is for you & Will to have to leave Reese in another country & being uncertain when you will get to see her again. Prayers for you guys that the paperwork will go through quickly!

    1. Kristen, you don't know how much of an inspiration you have been to me through my journey. We appreciate all the prayers!! :)
