Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gotcha Day!

Where do I begin? We have now been with our beautiful daughter for 36 hours ... and now she is sleeping. Gotcha day was filled with lots of emotions for us, her, and her caregivers. I can not begin to tell you how Reese loved you and even more so, how much she loved them. It was a tearful goodbye for them. Reese was glad to be going "pa pa" (bye-bye).

So we are now in Katowice where we are staying in an apartment that was set up through the American missionaries we were introduced to. The blessings have been numerous and there is no explanation except That God is completely in control. We are here in this apartment with a full kitchen, washer, and even an iron! (They did not have one at the hotel and not everyone has a washer ... we do not have a dryer here.) We are able to stay here for one third of the cost of what we would be paying through our agency. We are within a short walking distances of a grocery store and there are even two parks to go to. One has a children's area: which is perfect to swing with Reese. She LOVES it outside! The driver That takes us to the important stuff (court, doctor's office, etc..) Is named Tom. He graciously let us borrow his wifi hook up so we can communicate with you all at home ... for free! How great is that!

Tomorrow we are heading to our 1 st church service as a family! The missionaries (The Miller's) are meeting us and one is riding the bus (since we do not have a car seat and can not ride with them ... plus they have 4 children!). I'm excited! I can not wait for Reese to be home to meet her church family at Bethel though.

Reese is warming up to us and likes to stay busy. It's not all easy though ... we had a 2 hour melt down last night at bed time. I'm not sure who cried more, me or her. It's so sad not being able to comfort her and hurts even more to think she has never been rocked to sleep and her familiarity it is a crib with 6 other children. The tears are totally worth it though...Will was both our savior last night. Reese rocking to sleep and then holding me as I sobbed without fully knowing why. I understand why people say they fall more in love with Their husbands after the birth of Their child. I love him so much my heart overflows and I can not even begin to think about him leaving us to come home. Today was better with a nap and sleep. Just keep praying every day gets easier for her.

We continue to be blown away by all the encouragement, kind words, and comments you all leave and they make all this easier for us. Y'all are going to love Reese. She is funny and sassy and I think she will be a little too much like her Aunt Lindsey ... she is quite stubborn and a fighter. I will have more to tell you on a later post but for now I will end with a picture That holds my whole world. No. face for her since rules are rules ... July 29 th will be here before we know it. 


  1. that is so sweet praying for you and your family that everything goes well she is beautiful

  2. God is good.... God is great.. he will never put too much on your plate! You are both already wonderful parents. Congratulations! I'm so happy for all three of you!

  3. I remember how hard those first weeks were, it does get so much easier. Keep clinging to each other and God! Wishing you many blessings as you start your new life together!
