Monday, July 7, 2014

We're back!!

We are finally back in Poland! We have made it to the hotel, ran to the store for the essentials (water and fan so I can sleep), ate lunch, and now back in the hotel ready to sleep. It's been almost 31 hours of no sleep except a couple of 30 minute cat naps on the plane. We are pretty tired.

I was however going through our suitcases when I stumbled on something I did not pack ... my sneaky sister had Will put an envelope full of cards and a journal from my great friend in my suitcase without me knowing. I can't open the cards yet because they have specific dates but I could see that there are so many cards from so many different people. Maybe this mama thing has already gotten the best of me because the tears came without me opening even one. My heart is overflowing with everyone's love and blessings. It makes me even weepier to know that y'all will share this same love to my daughter when she is home. Thank you all from my whole heart. 

So this is all we know so far ... we meet with the in-country representative tomorrow at 9 to head to the orphanage. Apparently we are going to have to do "visitation" for a few days since there is a new director. And, of course, am going to try to convince them to cut this short so we can have Reese for good and start the official bonding process. We're so excited and it is becoming more real to us. Will said, "Just think, we get to see her every day for the rest of her life starting tomorrow." Poor Reese, her Daddy is never going to let her grow up and marry off. Haha!

After we get through this initial week, we will be heading to a nearby city to stay in an apartment. It's so cool because the ADOPTION network brought us together with some American missionaries who I have been talking with since returning in December and they have set this up through Their church. This not only saves us money, but Allows us to meet some people who can show us the ropes around here and gives us a church to attend! How cool is that?

I promise to keep everyone updated but for now I can barely keep my eyes open. Thanks for all the prayers, posts, texts, and calls. We are so blessed with you all in our lives!

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