Thursday, July 3, 2014

The BIG Call

As most of you know, we got the BIG CALL Monday! I was actually on lunch so it was perfect timing. I saw our agency was calling but honestly thought it was something about a grant we received because they had just called me Friday about it. My squeals couldn't be contained when they said "this is the call you've been waiting on." My co-workers all knew what had happened… they could hear me! I couldn't even understand our agency after that and it took me 3 times to realize they were asking me if I had a piece of paper to start writing dates. She said we needed to be there Monday, July 7th! Wow! That means we have less than a week!! It gets better because she said our court date is July 29th! That's Reese's birthday!! What a 2nd birthday she is going to have... turning 2 and officially having a mama and daddy!!

So I've been running around like crazy, barely being able to focus on my work. There is a lot to do before Sunday morning gets here. I'm even having trouble eating. I mean, I've played in hundreds of basketball games and I'm not sure if my nerves have ever been this shot.

Luckily, my cousin is house sitting! I think he will enjoy having a house to himself with a frig stocked with Gatorade and pizza. We are lucky on the timing because he doesn't have any sports for a month and so he can be there day and night to take care of my chickens and ducks! (Yes, they need morning and night attention... I've grown quite fond of them) Will comes home before me so then he will be able to pick up the routine! I have to admit it makes me quite emotional when I think of leaving my dogs, too... (sigh)...

Today was my last day at work until this is all complete and we are settled back home. I fought back tears through a few patients.  I grow so close to them and so many have been going through this adoption with me. Their excitement means so much to me. And I have the absolute best co-workers in the world. My boss is a mad man who is about to see all my patients on top of his just so I can leave. There aren't many people that selfless... I'm truly blessed. Will is as well. He has an awesome group of customers and great guys working for him who are going to keep things running smooth.

I need to wrap this post up since I should be packing. Here is how it works though for everyone that is interested:

July 7- we arrive in Poland

We should be going July 8 to see Reese and it is up to the orphanage's director if we have to visit her a few days or if we get her right away... let's pray for the 2nd but also that it's a smooth transition for her

As soon as we have Reese, we are pretty much free to do as we wish staying within a certain city. This is the bonding period. We will have a social worker visit us and observe how it is going. We are blessed that we were introduced to some missionaries that are in the same city through the circle of adoption and they have found a place for us to stay. This is going to save us lots of money and it's very helpful to have people there to show us the ropes.

July 29- we head to Warsaw for court. This is the big day!! This is the court hearing that grants us Reese's "official parents." This is "Adoption Day." After this, we can post pictures!! Just get ready for your social media to explode... I will be that mom!!

Will is returning home after this but Reese and I have to stay. Reese has to remain in country for 21 days after the adoption day for visa, birth certificate, etc. to be processed. The plan is to get my sister over to Poland for a few days to fly home with us. We will just have to see how it works but it looks like I'll be gone at least 6-7 weeks.

I will keep the blog updated the best I can!

Whew!! I can't believe I'm about to be a mama! J


  1. That's so exciting! Congratulations!

  2. so proud of you and Will praying yall have a safe trip over and a safe one back
    take care
